76 DECEMBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® RENEW - SUBSCRIBE NOW! MINExpo INTERNATIONAL® 2021 NUMA Team ready for action. Brett and Stephen from Missouri S&T. Mitsubishi Materials on display. Yes, that’s Ed. Hole Products was well-represented. Eijkelkamp / SonicSampDrill enjoying the event. Good to see Mark with QSP Packers. Plenty of big mining equipment. Five in red for Schramm. Team Rockmore International. Halco Rock Tools had Eddie and Perttu at MINExpo. Sheree & Jackie for Women In Mining Education Foundation. IPI packers are“Made differently to perform better”. Big smiles from Acker Drill Trio. Dan for Eastern Driller Manufacturing Co., Inc. Jeff with Allegheny Instruments showing their borehole cameras. Tires are the focus for this BKT duo. Thumbs up from Robit Group. Always interesting at ChemGrout®. Curry Supply Co. specializes in trucks. Sioux Corporation ~ Relentless Pursuit of Quality. WWDR’s Ronnie & Ed went to Vegas for the 2021 MINExpo. Jarett & Charles with Western Rubber & Mfg.