77 DECEMBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® RENEW - SUBSCRIBE NOW! Name: I am involved in: Position (please specify): IMPORTANT NOTICE We appreciate your continued support of our industries. Please help us, help you receive the information you need and want each month. Changes have occurred with these issues of WorldWide Drilling Resource® (WWDR) and Doc’s Buyers’ Guide for Drillers™ (DBGD). Each have very important information included every month. WWDR contains valuable articles, advertisements, and notices in a true glossy magazine format. DBGD contains classified advertisements covering a wide array of industries relevant to your everyday work - no matter the field - in a tabloid, newsprint format. These two valuable resources will be mailed worldwide monthly in a poly bag to protect them from harm as they travel to your homes and offices. These poly bags may also contain special opportunities for you. Effective with our January 2022 issue, which is mailed in December 2021, you will need to “sign up” for future issues. To help us continue to bring these to you each month, we are requesting help in defraying postal fees - within the United States of $1.00 per month ($12.00 billed annually); Canada mailing of $1.67 per month USD ($20.00 billed annually); and Foreign of $1.67 per month USD ($20.00 billed annually). By completing the form below, including payment information, and mailing it to: WWDR - DBGD 3089 Northride Ln Bonifay, FL 32425, or e-mailing it to: sub@worldwidedrillingresource.com or subscribers@docsbuyersguidefordrillers.com, we will be able to process your request without delay. IF YOU PREFER - You can also sign up online, and we will send a receipt for one-year of both publications, just visit either website: https://www.worldwidedrillingresource.com or https://www.docsbuyersguidefordrillers.com Questions? Please call WWDR = 850-547-0102 or DBGD = 850-388-0030. Happy to help! Company: Street Address / PO Box: City: State / Province: Postal Code: Country: Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax Phone: E-Mail: Credit Card #: Exp. Date: CCV#: We accept: We gladly accept credit cards or checks. Thank you. We are pleased to have you as a valued subscriber. Blasting Construction HDD Drilling Exploration Environmental Farming Foundation Geotech Geothermal Irrigation Manufacturing Mining Oil & Gas Piling Pump Install Utility Roads/Bridges Water Well Wastewater Other WorldWide Drilling Resource rill ng ®® and Doc’s Buyers’ Guide for Drillers™ SUBSCRIPTION FORM Both for one Annual Nonrefundable Postal Fee: USA - $12.00 • Canada - $20.00 USD • Foreign - $20.00 USD