9 WorldWide Drilling Resource® JANUARY 2021 2021 McEllhiney Lecture by Kevin Kevin McGinnis is president of Cotey Chemical Corp., Lubbock, Texas, and has been in the water well remediation industry for 27 years. He has worked on water well rehabilitation projects in the U.S., Central America, the Middle East, and the Far East. He has also presented workshops throughout the U.S. and delivered technical papers to Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Agriculture and Water, and the Philippine Water Works Association. Board member of the American Ground Water Trust for ten years and serving as chair for three, Kevin has also been a member of the Texas Ground Water Association-High Plains chapter and the National Ground Water Association for 25 years. As a member of his local Rotary Club, he was involved in drilling water wells in rural areas of Mexico and delivering medical supplies and equipment to underserved areas of South America. Kevin’s 2021 McEllhiney Lecture, “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Innovative Treatment Options for Established and Emerging Water Quality Challenges”, addresses both new and established processes for drinking water treatment to enable well drilling professionals, hydrologists, water system operators and managers, and others in the industry to work their way through the complications of water quality uncertainty. The physical, chemical, biological, and economic aspects of water quality impacts every person in the world, so groundwater professionals need to be involved in this issue, to work their way through the complexities of changing regulatory requirements, new scientific developments, and financial concerns from wellhead to tap, with a commonsense approach. For a link to this website, visit this page at: worldwidedrillingresource.com