The Second Annual WorldWidee DownHome DrillFest™ 2021 Yes, it’s a happening yet again! We enjoyed seeing all of you and taking a few moments away from the daily struggles we have been going through, just to enjoy each other’s company and actually have face-to-face contact (albeit through masks); we’re doing it again! If you didn’t get a chance this past October to be with us in Branson - we surely hope you will grab this special opportunity from the WWDRTeam. 2021 will find us all at The Chateau on the Lake in Branson, Missouri. It’s shaping up to be a tremendous event for our drilling industry. There will be room for rigs inside as well as outside, and forms are now available. EXHIBITORS - grab your opportunity to choose your “special spot”; ATTENDEES - plan your vacation time here while seeing exhibits! Camaraderie PLUS! Welcome Party, Fun, Speakers, WWDR Karaoke, Education, and Ladies’ Day! Interested? E-Mail: ANNOUNCING . . . UNC August 16-18 . . .. Deadline Looming? Feeling Stressed? We will find the solutions and have your association up and running in a successful way forward for your members. Relax. We got this . . . Sit down and chat with us, one-on-one. Okay Team - Here’s what THEY WANT! The one and only GET ASSOCIATION HELP™ with the experience, knowledge, and professionalism in a friendly manner to get the job done for you - the way YOU want it done ~ At a Price YOU can Afford! 850-547-0102 What Can We do for YOU? Newsletters researched, prepared, printed, and mailed. Website updated / overhauled with “flipping pages” of your Newsletter included. AND ~ we will show you how to add to your website yourself! TRADESHOWS? Of Course ~ who has more experience? WWoorrllddWWide ~ of course! ~ of course! For the past 26 years we have exhibited/attended 18 - 46 trade shows / conferences annually ; seen the problems and know how to fix them on the spot! 41 MARCH 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource®