32 NOVEMBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Wyoming’s Coal Creek M Compiled the Editorial Staff of St. Louis, Missouri-based Arch Resources Inc. is moving forward with the accelerated closure and final reclamation of the Coal Creek the company is transitioning away from thermal coal generation toward metallurgical (coking) coal, a type of coal used to make steel and oth two years. The mine will ship about two million tons of coal this year and then commence reclamation work in 2022, including “the demolition According to federal data, the mine employed about 100 people in the fall of 2020. Lang addressed the employee issue by saying, “Of ee-sensitive way, principally through normal attrition.” Shrinking revenues also spurred action focused on Arch’s upper echelon employmen to reduce overhead by $10 million. Governor Mark Gordon described Arch’s announcement as an “unfortunate, but not surprising” sign of the economic realities facing the but at reduced levels,” he said. For several years, coal industry experts had warned crashing demand for Powder River Basin coal - therma Although the coal mines in the Powder River Basin produce about 40% of the nation’s thermal coal, production volumes have been declinin The good news, according to University of Wyoming coal industry expert Rob Godby, is “we’re finally seeing consolidation, and so far without declaring bankruptcy. The company is publicly traded with access to capital, and it owns multiple mines, with the largest mines still Arch Resources anticipates shipping coal to customers under existing contracts through this year. Afterward, it will begin the final clos closure costs,” said Lang. He sees the closure as a strategic pivot carried out with the utmost sense of urgency, the objective being to cont proud of the accomplishments of our talented, dedicated, and resilient thermal operating teams, who have shown their mettle again and ag Governor Gordon applauded Arch’s stepped-up plans to begin full reclamation at its Wyoming mines. “It is very important that reclamat MIN GOT DEALS? You deserve bragging rights! Send them to the WWDR Team! Chad and Dave Moravec with Barney Moravec, Inc. of Penn Yan, New York, are proud to take possession of this Epiroc TH-60 from Keystone Drill Services, Inc. of Somerset, Pennsylvania. Keystone Drill Services, Inc. Dealmakers