28 OCTOBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Heliopolis in Arizona’s Holbrook Basin Adapted from Information by Desert Mountain Energy Corporation In mid-2020, Desert Mountain Energy Corporation engaged a highly experienced southwest regional drilling contractor, Drake Well Service Inc., to drill the initial two wells for its helium drilling program in Arizona’s Holbrook Basin. Aptly named the Heliopolis Project, it comprises 65,911 acres of the world’s best helium prospects under lease. Targets for the company’s drilling program were developed over the preceding 18 months as a result of comprehensive studies of historic geographic reports and drill log data, field studies and mapping, a 2-D seismic study, and an airborne geophysics survey. An on-site crew of nine drilled on a 24-hour schedule. In keeping with the company’s mandate to leave a minimal environmental footprint, the wells were drilled with air/mist combination to reduce the amount of water required in its drilling operations by 60% or more. Both wells were simple vertical gas wells drilled to a maximum depth of 2790 feet. Upon completion, flow tests were conducted where significant gas flows were found during drilling. The first well flow tested at 900 psi flowing pressure. These samples were sent to an independent lab for a total gaseous analysis. Drilling for the #3 well, located about 70 miles west of the first two wells, was completed in December 2020, to a total depth of 2000 feet. After drilling to the target depth and identifying three potential Helium-filled balloon - Google’s Project Loon to bring internet to the world with a network of helium balloons traveling on the edge of space. Photo courtesy of iLighter. G&O www.starironworks.com 257 Caroline Street Punxsutawney, PA 15767 800-927-0560 • 814-427-2555 Fax: 814-427-5164 SERVING THE WATER WELL INDUSTRY Serving the Drilling Industry Helipolis continued on page 36