YOUR AD COULD BE HERE AND SEEN BY THOUSANDS ALL YEAR! 33 OCTOBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® by Tim Rasmussen You have read about the LifePump we are starting to use in Guatemala. It is a progressive cavity pump developed by Design Outreach for use in third world countries. We have installed about eight of them so far and they seem to be working out well for us. The installations are different than we are used to, but the design and engineering make the installations straightforward and foolproof. One aspect of the pumps is the fact all the components are stainless steel. While this is very good from a longevity point of view, lately in the USA, stainless steel pipe is very expensive and sometimes impossible to get. This has created problems for Design Outreach, and for us. To address this issue, we asked if they had considered using 1½-inch Schedule 120 PVC pipe. This discussion led to our suggesting an experiment. We wanted to install a pump on the heavy PVC pipe and see how it would work. We obtained a pump and gearbox from Design Outreach; Ray Ehrig, a quality control engineer with Design Outreach, came and guided us on the installation. This was done on May 12. The pump was installed in a neighbor’s well (here in the U.S.) that was not in use. Gary hung the pump at 400 feet and rigged a timer to cycle the unit for five minutes on and two minutes off. We ran the pump for two months continuously, then on July 14, local pump service man, Troy Sorenson who owns Pride Pump, pulled the unit to check for wear and to see how the PVC worked. Everything looked fine. We learned a little about how to best use the PVC pipe, but there were no issues using the PVC instead of the stainless steel pipe. The experiment was a success. We have ordered 22 more pumps without the lengths of stainless steel pipe, and will send them to Guatemala with Schedule 120 PVC pipe for the installations. This will save money and make our dollars go further. We recently learned Speedy and Bucky, two of our faithful volunteers from Ohio, picked up the pumps for us and are arranging to have them delivered to the shop in Spokane. We want to thank all our donors and our volunteers. None of this would be possible without the support and help of kind people who see the need and are willing to work to help others. If you would like to help, contact Gary Bartholomew at 208-907-0010 or 509-939-1941 Tim Tim Rasmussen may be contacted via e-mail to WTR New & Used Tricones PDCs Drag & Claw Bits Drill Collars Bit Tipping Subs & Stabilizers HDD Bits & Reamers DTH Hammer & Bits Custom Fabrication Junk Mills / Fishing Tools Rod Henderson 661-201-6259 Eran Henderson 661-330-0790 Hello there, It has been a worthwhile resource for many years now, but I’m retiring later this year. Thank-you so much for compiling such an informative and entertaining magazine! Take care, Leslie Alberta, Canada