36 OCTOBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® target zones in the well, surface casing was set and cemented into place to protect treatable water. A completion rig finished the work, perforated, and tested specific zones. Upon removal of drilling equipment, the single pit was immediately filled, completing initial remediation. The openhole well logs indicated the company had encountered multiple prospective helium-bearing zones. Using its geologic modeling plans for reference, the company was successful in finding additional helium more than 70 miles from the first two wells. In January 2021, Desert Mountain selected well locations for #4 and #5, with both located approximately 30 miles from #1 and #2, and drilled to a depth of about 3900 feet. Expectations were for 8-12 additional wells in the area. Five completed wells, which delineated specific geologic structures meeting minimum requirements for possible commercial helium production, were scheduled to be completed early this year. Desert Mountain signed a contract for the engineering gas feed study with a company in Denver, Colorado, SIGIT, integrated solutions for the petroleum and energy industry, to design the solar-power-operated helium processing facilities in northeast Arizona. Initial helium production is planned for the fourth quarter of 2021, and the company is well-positioned to produce helium for our high-tech economy. Helium plays a critical role in the manufacture of high-capacity hard drives, barcode readers, computer chips, semiconductors, LCD panels, and fiber-optic cable; as a refrigerant in cryogenics research; and as a coolant for nuclear reactors, MRI machines, and space vehicles. Helipolis continued from page 28