38 OCTOBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Environmental Monitoring by Thomas Kwader, Ph.D., P.G. Owner, Qwater Well Developer and WorldWide Drilling Resource® Hydrogeologist Do Yourself a Favor, Attend Groundwater and Drilling Shows I have been attending local, state, and national drilling and groundwater trade shows since 1976 (45 years), and have genuinely enjoyed and learned from all of them. Yes, we can all think of reasons for not attending these shows and conventions (too much work, cost, etc.); however, it is a unique opportunity to: 1) Observe and learn about new products and services that could help you improve the way you construct and develop wells. 2) Meet other drilling professionals like yourself to discuss problems and solutions on how to drill faster and better at a lower cost. The shows provide an opportunity to make lifelong friends and develop professional relationships which will make it even more exciting to attend every year. 3) Obtain continuing education units (CEUs) which may be required in your state to maintain your drilling license. Even if not a requirement, they afford you an opportunity to educate yourself on the latest rules and technologies. They can also provide you with a forum to give your input on proposed rule changes, often before they become a new regulation. If you have a problem with a proposed rule or rule change, these meetings are a great time to combine efforts with other drilling contractors to express your concerns. Perhaps one of the main reasons for not attending a groundwater or drilling show is you are concerned about “bumping into” a competitor. I suggest you be the bigger person and extend your hand and ask how they are doing - find some common ground to talk about. Many shows also have an area where drilling professionals can buy, swap, or sell used equipment. I suggest any time you attend a show, take the opportunity to make the most of your time learning, meeting people - old friends and make new friends - and enjoy yourself. Take the time to ask people where they are from and what type of wells they drill. You will be glad you did! Tom Tom Kwader may be contacted via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com ENV