40 OCTOBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® The “Idiots” Corner by “Billy Bob Smith” If I hear one more commercial where they promise you the world, I think I am going to lose it. I thought this month I would share a few of the “real” things organizations say about themselves that vary from exaggerations, half-truths, to outright lies. You can decide what you want to believe. Let me repeat, the following are actual words used in a variety of advertisements from legitimate organizations both large and small during the past few years, right up to today. I won’t mention the names, but let you decide if you have ever heard the message and from who. Let me ask you . . . do these organizations think we are all idiots? Well, maybe they do since they have been lying to us for many years. “Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.” ~Mark Twain “There are three types of lies - lies, damn lies, and statistics.” ~Benjamin Disraeli So here goes: • We have a 99.9% success connectivity rate nationwide. • Over 85% of our first time customers buy again. • No one gives you a better night’s sleep than our product • Lose 18 pounds the first month - guaranteed. • Lasts longer than any other product on the market today. • Twice as fast . . . for half the price. • We have a 100% return guarantee regardless of your reason for returning. • 95% of our customers are 100% happy with their purchase of our services. • Clinically and scientifically proven to regulate digestion and boost immune systems. • It’s 100% free. Yeah, right. • This lotion will make you look ten years younger in less than a week. • You will have more fun at our location than you have ever had in your life. Want more? All I need to do is watch TV for an hour and I can come up with at least a dozen more, but I won’t insult your intelligence as I’m sure you have seen or heard enough lies too. Billy Bob Contact him via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com Lifewater Drilling Technology jOne-Man Operation jLightweight, Towable j21hp Honda Motor for Power jHydraulic Controls jDrills Through Rock jNo Air Compressor or Mud Pit jDrill Depth 450 Feet 540-869-1150 lifewaterdrillingtechnology.com December Issue of WWDR Space Reservation: October 25th Ad Copy: November 1st For Classified Deadlines, see Doc’s Buyers’ Guide for Drillers™