Volume 19 February 2022 Pulstar P12000 Pulstar P10000 Pulstar P7000 Mudslayer 500 Single & Double Hopper Rose-Wall Grouters Pulstar P12000 Rose-Wall Water Truck Gus Pech GP900XHR Brat Pulstar P10000 Mtd. on a Dodge 5500 Mudslayer M 350
3 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource®
4 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource®
WorldWide Business Directory™ Are you planning to go?...................................................28 Breaking News..................................................................13 Education Connection......................................................14 Fun Page............................................................................37 Hot Off the Press.................................................................9 Obituary: DeAngelis, Robert David.................................18 Obituary: Heisey, Winston L............................................12 Obituary: Lynde, Kenneth Charles “Ken”.......................18 Photo Page........................................................................16 Product Spotlight................................................................7 Who’s in the News.............................................................13 WorldWide Association Memberships................................10 WorldWide .........6 Acker Drill Company...........................................................53 Allegheny Instruments........................................................14 Armstrong Machine Co., Inc. (AMCI)..................................22 Atlantic Screen & Manufacturing, Inc. (ASI)........................29 Baker Water Systems.........................................................30 Best in the West Drill & Blast Conference (ISEE)…….........25 Better Water Industries Inc..................................................23 Bit Brokers International.....................................................15 Bitco, Inc.............................................................................24 Central Mine Equipment Company (CME)..........................11 Cotey Chemical Corp. (CCC)..............................................40 Drilling Equipment Sales, Inc. (DES)....................................1 Drilling Supply & Mfg (DSM)...............................................42 DRILLMAX, Inc...................................................................56 Eastern Driller Manufacturing Company Inc. (EDM)...........27 Eijkelkamp/SonicSampDrill.................................................32 Foremost Industries............................................................13 GEFCO (BAUER Equipment America, Inc.)..........................2 Geothermal Supply Company, Inc. (GSC)..........................37 Halco Rock Tools..................................................................7 Halco Rock Tools................................................................41 Heron Instruments, Inc.......................................................28 Horizon Hoist......................................................................35 Infinity Tool Manufacturing....................................................3 Infinity Tool Manufacturing..................................................34 Keystone Drill Services, Inc................................................54 KS Bit, Inc...........................................................................19 Merrill Mfg.............................................................................8 Mills Machine Company, Inc...............................................31 N&N Drilling Supply.............................................................12 New England Water Well Assoc. (NEWWA) Expo..............26 Pacific Northwest Ground Water Exposition.......................34 Palmer Bit Company...........................................................38 SEMCO, Inc........................................................................55 SIMCO Drilling Equipment....................................................4 Specialty Rig Sales.............................................................39 Star Iron Works, Inc. - Construction ...................................20 Star Iron Works, Inc. - Water Well.......................................21 TDH Manufacturing Inc.......................................................18 TennesseeWaterWellAssoc. (TWWA)AnnualMtg& TradeShow...16 TerraRoc.............................................................................36 Well-Vu, Inc.........................................................................33 Advertisers Featured Editorial C&G - Construction/Geotechnical ENV - Environmental G&O - Shallow Gas and Oil MIN - Mining DIR - Horizontal Directional Drilling EXB - Exploration/Blasthole GEO - Geothermal WTR - Water Focus for February - Safety and Protection C&G DIR ENV EXB G&O GEO MIN WTR Safety Monitoring of Dams, Levees, & Embankments.....7 Storkson, Britt: What AI is and What it is Not..............17 E-News Flash Readers’ Choice: World’s Fastest Tunnel....23 Excavation and Installation Excellence in Bavaria.........30 Pontchartrain Levee Project 50 Years in the Making........8 “Smith, Billy Bob”: The “Idiots” Corner..............20-21 To Dump or Not to Dump ~ Indonesia’s Decision......22 Hard as Steel but Soft on the Environment...........25,26 Kwader, Thomas: Environmental Monitoring...........36 Connor, Tim: Do You Have a “Do It Now” Mindset, or...9 A New Development for Blasthole Quality..................24 ION+ PDC Cutter Technology....................................32 Star Wars in Texas: The Rise of SpaceX...................37 Battersby, Mark E.: Drilling Into Money Not Boring..15 Avoiding Fall Hazards While Installing Geothermal Sys...26 Budapest Geothermal District Heating Project..........33 Improving Underground Lighting......................................34 Baby, You Can Drive My (Li-ion Battery) Car.....................39 Wilson, Jr., Robert Evans: The Un-Comfort Zone II........40 Fighting Sewer Pipe Corrosion and Fatbergs..........14 Peterson, Ronald: Safety and Protection.................29 Aardvark Packers..............16 Acker Drill Company..........16 Baker Water Systems........16 Bill Johnson Equipment.....17 Bit Brokers International....17 Bitco, Inc...........................17 Centerline Mfg. Co.............20 ChemGrout®......................20 Diedrich Drill......................20 Drill King International.......21 Drill Pipe, Inc.....................21 Drilling Equip. Resources..21 Eastern Driller Mfg. (EDM)...24 Eijkelkamp / SonicSampDrill...24 Flomatic Corp....................24 Heisey Machine Co...........25 Hole Products....................25 Horizon Cable Service, Inc..28 Mitsubishi Materials Corp..28 Numa Hammers................28 PennDrill Mfg.....................29 Simmons Manufacturing....29 Solar Power & Pump Co....32 Star Iron Works, Inc...........32 T&T Carbide, Inc...............32 TerraRoc............................33 VMAC................................36 WellMaster.........................33 Windmill 702, LLC.............33 WWDR........................25,29 5 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource®
Have you ever heard the expression: Copying what someone else does is the best form of flattery.? It’s just one of those things that regularly aggravates you when you see someone else trying to confuse the public about which magazine they may actually be reading. It is like, okay, so years ago, prior to this magazine’s existence, most publications set their color pages to coordinate with the layout in that black and white pages would coincide with black and white on a larger layout - perhaps page 6 would be color and page 52 would be color, then page 7 would be black and white and page 53 would be black and white. That saved them money rather than what WWDR did when it began in 2003 - wherein we had FULL COLOR ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE MAGAZINE FROM ITS INCEPTION. Lo and behold, shortly thereafter, others followed suit. Then you have those headers of ours in our classified section - we began the red color for the categories first. Lo and behold, shortly thereafter, others followed suit. Oh, and then it was the time to print the publications. Some printed for readers to receive it on the 15th of the month, so lo and behold, one publication switched to that time frame. Then came the BIG question, “What do we want to cover in publications?” Well, you remember from the outset, WWDR covered, AND STILL DOES, ALL FACETS OF THE DRILLING INDUSTRY. So others tried again to copy what WWDR was doing. So, I just want to shout out a GREAT BIG, THANK-YOU for letting us know just how great we are doing obviously, because those publications are still copying everything we do; right down to the word RESOURCE! THANKS AGAIN! Remember ~ You can’t copy success. You have to make it for yourself! There is only one Home of Solid Gold Service ~ with a Smile!™ = WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. World Blasthole le G Explor ater W l eotechnica Construction r o D D B B Whe 850 G D D ™ G .™ re deals are made every day s’ 547 0102 - - Environmental Directional Gas l i E i n a ation x Geothermal Mining Mi Classified Ad q p s Not Just F ent f yp r Drilling ~ s of : Oil & Gas k worldwide 8 The drillingresou 50 547 0102 - - l i on y magaz n rce.com e k SUBSCRIBE k TRADE NOW ~Covering of the Drilling~ B - - SELL UY Proudly Made in the United States of America - delivered WorldWide! WorldWide Drilling Resource WorldWide Drilling Resource® The complete magazine for the drilling industry worldwide, owned by drilling industry associates dedicated to bringing the most up-to-date technology and information to subscribers. Covering construction-geotechnical, directional, environmental, explorationblasthole, shallow gas & oil, geothermal, mining, water well, irrigation, wastewater; from bits, to pumps, to rigs, to tanks, through wire, and more - whatever it takes to get the drilling job completed! Managing Publisher/CEO/President: Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones Vice President: Troy Cunningham Chief Marketing Officer: Ed Moranski Office Administrator: Michele Stevens Editor: Bonnie Love Associate Editor: Amy White Public Relations Professional: Jan Allen Representative: Marie Cunningham Editorial Contributors for this month Mark Battersby Tim Connor Thomas Kwader Ron Peterson “Billy Bob Smith” Britt Storkson Robert Evans Wilson, Jr. Hyd/Eng Consultant: Thomas Kwader, Ph.D.,P.G. Consultant: Mary Ann Pelletier *Editorial contributions & advertisements include statements of fact and opinions that are the sole responsibility of the author and/or companies and do not necessarily imply any opinion of the owners, management, or staff of WorldWide Drilling Resource®. Images may have been altered for clarity. Complete advertising information may be found at: www.worldwidedrillingresource.com or by calling 850-547-0102. WorldWide Drilling Resource® makes every effort not to place advertisements for “like” products on the same page in our publication; this may occur however, due to size and space within the publication. We regret any inconvenience this may cause our advertisers. WorldWide Drilling Resource® is published monthly by: WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc., a Florida Corporation, independently owned and operated. PO Box 660 (3089 Northride Lane) Bonifay FL 32425-0660. Telephone: 850-547-0102 Fax: 850-547-0329 E-mail: wwdr@worldwidedrillingresource.com Website: www.worldwidedrillingresource.com Copyright 2022, WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. Seen by countless WorldWide. Publication Agreement No. 40892520. Back issues may be requested. Cost per issue $10.00 USD. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the strict written consent of the publishers. Advertising rates furnished upon request. Editorial contributions are welcome subject to editorial review.* WorldWide Drilling Resource® reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. We Recycle Standing with our Drilling Industry Yesterday ~ Today ~ Tomorrow See you on the trail . . . CAMERAS on the ROLL ~ NEXT TO ~ TGWA, Mountain States, and parts North! With Pen - Computer in hand . . . Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones, 850-547-0102 ronnie@worldwidedrillingresource.com 6 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Safety Monitoring of Dams, Levees, and Embankments Page 7 Avoiding Fall Hazards on Geothermal Sites Page 26 Featured Articles for February - Safety and Protection Improved Underground Lighting Page 34 Ron Peterson Page 29
Safety Monitoring of Dams, Levees, & Embankments Adapted from Information by Dam Safety Group A wide range of geophysical and seismic techniques, services, and technologies are available to address noninvasive investigation, monitoring, and maintenance of dams, embankments, and levees. Some of these proven solutions are offered by IRIS Instruments, GEOMETRICS, GSSI, ROBERTSON GEO, and KINEMETRICS. IRIS Instruments provides valuable information about the dam structure’s internal integrity to locate points of failure in real time or with time acquired monitoring. Using resistivity and polarization imaging of the topography and slopes in three dimensions helps to predict potential landslides and related overtopping risks. IRIS Instruments SYSCAL PRO Switch resistivity meter & Full Waver Systems provide dimensional imaging for technicians and service providers for dam issue predictability and longer term monitoring for remedial work. Technologies include the following: R Multichannel electrical resistivity imaging (2D & 3D) to define integrity of dams and locate potential points of failure R Monitoring dam seepage, water saturation, piping, and leakage paths R 3 dimensional characterization and monitoring of dam slopes R 2D & 3D imaging of lateral dam slopes to prevent potential landslide risk of over topped dams GEOMETRICS seismic instruments are essential for any subsurface investigation. Traditional wired systems or the newest wireless Atom system can be deployed in almost any location for detecting faults and evaluating geotechnical and soil conditions. Seismic tomography includes: R Characterizing ground conditions in terms of shear wave velocity, rippability, bedrock mapping, and soil condition R Identifying faults and related structures R Soil type in levees R Active and passive surface wave techniques GSSI provides ground penetrating radar (GPR) to inspect infrastructure systems nondestructively, providing a quick and high-resolution survey option: R Nondestructive imaging of the subsurface and manmade materials R Characterizing internal structures R Detection of cavities R Concrete inspection and geotechnical investigation of dams, earthen levees, and embankments R Reservoir and stilling basin examination ROBERTSON GEO developed wireline borehole logging instrumentation, technologies, and techniques for investigation and interpretation of hydrological projects. These technologies provide reliable, calibrated subsurface data essential throughout the life of the dam: R Characterizing ground elements in terms of condition, stiffness, fractures, and rock characteristics R Gaining an understanding of the groundwater conditions R Investigating the condition of existing structures associated with dams KINEMETRICS’ innovative vertical product lines, such as iDAM, Oasis, and condor, are specialized systems addressing structural health: R Monitoring earthquake activity and its effect on a dam’s structure R Providing installation, training, maintenance, operational support for very high system availability R Assessing the seismic stability and deformation for geotechnical structures R Quantifying the soil effects for seismic analysis and design The Dam Safety Group’s member companies use proven geophysical technology, services, and products for dam site investigation and monitoring, as well as seismic monitoring via earthquake early warning and evaluation systems. The resulting data allows evaluation of hydrological, geological, and construction issues in a cost effective way. C&G 7 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Royal Eijkelkamp’s data loggers are designed to collect, monitor, and transmit data in a powerful, efficient manner in a wide range of temperatures and operating conditions. These devices combine affordability, reliability, and accuracy, providing easy-to-read data acquisition and interpretation. Various models are available with two different advanced types of wireless technologies: RF nodes with gateways and GSM/GPRS data loggers. Wireless monitoring solutions can connect a wide range of multiple geotechnical sensors and instruments using an SDI-12 digital interface.
8 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Pontchartrain Levee Project 50 Years in the Making Compiled by Amy White, Associate Editor, WorldWide Drilling Resource® The West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane Protection levee project is officially underway following a groundbreaking ceremony. The project’s history dates back to Hurricane Betsy in 1965. After major flooding occurred as a result of the hurricane, Congress authorized levee construction in 1971; but lack of funding kept the project from getting started for decades. The project was not revisited until many years later in 2012, when Hurricane Isaac devastated communities that had never flooded before along the proposed project’s corridor. Along with approximately 7000 homes, Interstate 10 was flooded, which delayed emergency response efforts for days. These unprecedented events led to state and local leaders increasing pressure on Congress for action. In 2016, Congress approved the levee project and provided funding in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018. With new federal funding, the overdue project is finally coming to fruition bringing much-needed flood and hurricane protection to 60,000 residents in St. Charles, St. James, and St. John the Baptist parishes. Estimated to cost $760 million, the levee and related components will cover 18.5 miles providing 100-year hurricane and storm surge protection. Construction will be coordinated with several utility and pipeline companies to ensure safe crossings. Directional drilling is highly likely to be included in the scope of work as many interstate and highway crossings will be necessary as well. Initial land clearing and collection of data is now complete for the project to move ahead. Contractors are excavating and stockpiling material for levee construction with an anticipated completion date in 2024. Once complete, the new levee system could potentially protect as many as 120,000 people and over 7000 structures. It is being hailed as a proactive approach to hurricane mitigation as opposed to spending billions in recovery in the wake of a disaster. U.S Representative Garret Graves of Louisiana pointed out the project has been in the works since before he was born. “We’re cutting through the bureaucracy and red tape, and the people in the River Parishes are finally going to get the flood protection they deserve,” said Graves. “Dirt is turning and we will be protecting our families, homes, businesses, and communities.” The project is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers constructing the levee system; the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority being a non-federal sponsor; and the Pontchartrain Levee District to oversee operations of the levee system following completion. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will provide complete funding for the project up front and allow the state 30 years to cover their 35% share. At the groundbreaking ceremony, Governor John Bel Edwards remarked, “The River Parishes represent some of the most vibrant and vital areas in the state. With the completion of the West Shore project, thousands of Louisianans . . . will receive a much-deserved increase in their level of hurricane protection.” Land clearing operations on the West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane Protection levee project. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. DIR Looking for deals? You’ll find them everyday in the back of this RESOURCE
9 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Make Plans Now to Attend the Third Annual WorldWide DownHome DrillFest™ October 19-21, 2022 at the iconic Chateau on the Lake Resort Spa & Convention Center at Table Rock Lake, in Branson, Missouri Golf Outing or Fishing Trip? You Decide! Cast Your Vote by e-mailing: drillfest2022@worldwidedrillingresource.com Do You Have a “Do It Now” Mindset, or Are You a Procrastinator? by Tim Connor Procrastination is a thief of time. Each day it steals from the value, joy, adventure, wonder, and essence of your personal life and career. Why do people put things off? They: fear the future, overestimate their ability to get things done, don’t know what to do or how to do it, thrive on pressure, set themselves up for failure, love disappointment, like being a victim, have too much on their plate, fail to set clear priorities, deal a great deal in guilt, blame, or other negative emotions, or just have poor time management or organizational skills. What is the cost of procrastination? j Missed opportunities j Increased stress j Failure j Lack of respect for others j Broken relationships j Increased anxiety and frustration Develop a “Do-It-Now” philosophy. Winners I have observed in all walks of life, tend to have several common traits. One which seems to stand out is their willingness and ability to do it now, to not put off until tomorrow when tomorrow may never come for them. How about you? Do you tend to put things off? To wait? To hope without taking action? To dream without commitment? To plan, but fail to take action? To brag without performance? To talk about what you are GOING to do, but never get started? A Do-It-Now philosophy says to the world: a I believe in myself. a I have faith in my endeavors. a I know I can do it. a I can overcome obstacles. a I have confidence in my actions. a If it is worth doing, it is worth doing now. The landscape is littered with people with good intentions. Good intentions mean nothing without action. Good intentions are better than poor intentions, but are worthless without follow-through, action, and commitment. What are you putting off? A new exercise program? A planned self-development program? Telling someone close you care, love them, or miss them? The price of failure is so much higher than the price of success. Don’t wait another minute. Whatever it is, do it NOW. In His service, Tim Tim Connor may be contacted via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com
WorldWide Drilling Re ® source Want Your Association L rce.com isted? w 850-547-0102 orldwidedrillingresou Contact Ronnie@ 10 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource®
12 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® In Memoriam Winston L. Heisey (1941~2021) The WWDR Team was saddened to learn of the December 18, 2021, passing of Winston L. Heisey, owner and founder of Heisey Machine Company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He was born in Lebanon, on February 21, 1941, to the late John A. and Bertha A. (Young) Heisey. He was a proud 1959 Cornwall High School graduate. The designer of the original Heisey floatation sub, Winston’s dedication to the company lasted over 40 years. He was a longtime exhibitor at the South Atlantic JUBILEE, Virginia Water Well Association, and New England Water Well Association (NEWWA) trade events. As a member of Annville Church of the Brethren, he was a deacon and sang in the choir. He also sang in different men’s choirs and quartets. He volunteered with disaster work camps, travelling to several states after emergencies. He was also a member of the former A-C Jaycees and volunteered with Brethren Volunteer Services. During their 58 years of marriage, Winston and his wife Elsie travelled to every state in the United States at least once. He enjoyed going to his cabin; eating ice cream and scrapple; watching Western movies; and his collection of over 50 history books, especially those on the Civil War. For 40 years, he enjoyed playing cards with dear friends. His greatest love was spending his life with Elsie and his beloved family. Winston is survived by Elsie; his children Jeffrey (Pamela) and Debra (Jeffrey); four grandchildren; and his siblings Jean, David, Kathleen, Robert, Andrew, and Russell. He was preceded in death by his siblings John and Peter. Remembering all the years we eagerly approached Winston at his booth - why? Because he always had that welcoming smile - a look of “I’m so glad to see you”. He was an inventor before his time and shall be deeply missed. His legacy will continue with the growth of his company, and his contributions to the entire drilling community will be remembered. Lest we forget . . . WWDR photo of Winston & Elsie at the NEWWA 2015 event.
13 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® New Federal Requirements for CDL Applicants Beginning Feb. 7, 2022, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will require new commercial driver’s license (CDL) applicants and those seeking to upgrade their CDL to receive training from a certified organization on the national registry of Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) providers. ELDT training includes curriculum in three areas: theory, range, and road. This requirement impacts drivers attempting to: k Obtain a Class A or Class B CDL for the first time. k Upgrade an existing Class B CDL to a Class A CDL. k Obtain a school bus (S), passenger (P), or hazardous materials (H) endorsement for the first time. For more information, click on this box in our online issue. Breaking News WHO’S IN THE NEWS Aries Industries has extended its market reach with the hiring of Wes Brown as Canada Sales Manager. Brown, based in Innisfil, Ontario, oversees the entire Aries Industries dealer network in Canada. He will focus on building strong customer relationships throughout the country, where the company has added three new dealers in the past 15 months. “We are thrilled to add Wes to the Aries team . . .” said Jim Kraschinsky, vice president of sales for Aries Industries. “His knowledge of product technology, coupled with his keen ability in cultivating relationships, will deliver solutions for our customers and keep our growth trajectory moving upward.” Send your Who’s in the News to: bonnie@worldwidedrillingresource.com Wes Brown.
14 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Fighting Sewer Pipe Corrosion and Fatbergs Compiled by the Editorial Staff of WorldWide Drilling Resource® The first concrete sanitary sewer pipe in the United States was installed in 1842, in the city of Mohawk, New York. Since then, concrete sewage pipes have become the backbone of sanitation systems around the world. The Mohawk pipe was still in service more than a century later, but that is an exception. Concrete sewer pipes frequently fail in as little as 10 to 20 years. Repairing failed pipes requires ripping up the ground, diverting traffic, and disrupting neighborhoods. Each year, repair and replacement costs run about $25 billion in the United States. This pipe failure is largely due to the acidic environment caused by wastewater. Ordinary concrete contains lime, which usually stays in the concrete and forms an alkaline coating protecting steel used to reinforce concrete from corrosion. Microbes in sewage pipes produce hydrogen sulfide gas, which combines with moisture to form sulfuric acid. The acid leaches lime from the concrete and corrodes the sewage pipes, resulting in reduced structural thickness. Not only does the pipe eventually fail, but the lime leached from the sewer pipe also contributes to the formation of fatbergs which clog sewer pipes. Fatbergs are congealed masses of fats, oils, and grease, combined with flushed nonbiodegradable materials like wet wipes and diapers. These fatbergs stick to the inside of pipes. One fatberg removed from Whitechapel in London in 2017, weighed over 140 tons and stretched 800 feet. Rajeev Roychand, a post-doctoral fellow in civil engineering at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), led a research team to address these issues and create a zero-cement concrete (ZCC) by replacing 70-100% of the conventional cement in concrete with a mixture of other ingredients. The team produced their new cementfree concrete largely using byproducts of the manufacturing industry, combining nano-silica with fly ash, slag, and hydrated lime. Using X-ray and thermal analyses, as well as scanning electron microscopy, they evaluated the concrete microstructure. Tests for compressive strength confirmed the ZCC surpassed strength standards required of sewage pipes. Next came the test for acid attack durability to assess corrosion resistance. Using previous research on the acidity in wastewater environments, the team found the pH varied between 7.2 (like tap water) at the bottom and 2.9 (about like grapefruit juice) at the top of the pipe. Since corrosion occurs slowly over years and it would have taken about a decade for the experiment, Roychand and his team used a much more acidic pH of .2 to accelerate the process. After two months of corrosion, the researchers determined the ZCC reduced corrosion by 96% and totally eliminated residual lime instrumental in the formation of fatbergs. The ZCC in its final form overcame all the major issues associated with conventional concrete use. Roychand said, “The world’s concrete sewage pipes have suffered durability issues for too long. Until now, there was a large research gap in developing eco-friendly material to protect sewers from corrosion and fatbergs. But we’ve created concrete that’s protective, strong, and environmental - the perfect trio.” The RMIT Team hopes further development will yield a ZCCwhich is totally resistant to acid. Fatberg at the Museum of London. WTR Sewer pipe corrosion. Irrigation by: Rain Bird Academy Training March 7-11 ~ Buffalo, NY March 7-11 ~ Salt Lake City, UT March 14-18 ~ Tuscaloosa, AL March 14-18 ~ Detroit, MI March 15-17 ~ Meridian, ID March 21-25 ~ Long Island, NY March 28-April 1 ~ Pensacola, FL phone: 800-498-1942 E-mail: training@rainbird.com More education opportunities during events can be found by clicking here online at: worldwidedrillingresource.com Education Connection
15 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Drilling Into Money Not Boring by Mark E. Battersby A Divorce-Proof Business Married owners of drilling businesses often overlook a common reason many businesses fail: divorce. In most states, one spouse’s business can be considered a marital asset or marital property, so when a couple divorces, assets need to be divided. Otherwise, an “ex” could wind up as a business partner or a fight could ensue to keep the operation from being sold in order to raise cash. Of course, if the business was started prior to the marriage, there may be some built-in protections -even in community property states. Generally, premarital assets will remain premarital assets so long as they are held separately. Establishing any business as a sole proprietorship leaves it vulnerable to future problems. Even with one spouse staying home or working elsewhere, most ex-spouses are entitled to a share of the business - often as much as half. The simplest way to divorce-proof the business is through a written agreement signed by the spouse. One answer: a prenuptial agreement. In a prenuptial agreement, couples decide in advance what portion of their business is considered separate property and what is to be considered as marital property in the event of a divorce. For a jointly owned drilling business, a prenuptial agreement can establish from the outset a 50-50 distribution of business interest to each spouse. Like a prenuptial agreement, a postnuptial agreement can help couples establish which portion of the business each owns if they become business partners after getting married and don’t have a prenuptial agreement. If the thought of a pre- or postnuptial agreement makes either party uncomfortable, an agreement can be drawn up and signed that will provide the spouse with some financial protection in exchange for leaving control of the drilling business as it stands. Such an agreement can require selling the business upon divorce at a value to be determined by a third party. One bright spot may be that it’s rare a business ends up being sold to satisfy a divorce settlement. It’s because a sale would deprive the owner of the future income which might be necessary to make all payments required under the settlement. Not too surprisingly, early steps are critical to protect the business in the event a marriage ends up on the rocks. This means being prepared for all eventualities and seeking professional help. Mark Mark E. Battersby may be contacted via e-mail to michele@ worldwidedrillingresource.com
16 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® 0 April Issue Deadlines 0 Space Reservation: February 25th Display & Classified Ad Copy: March 1st The WWDR Team is eagerly looking for you . . . On the Trail! r: o Join Us F Gatlinb The Park V March 18 Trade TWWA’s Ann urg, TN ista Hotel -19, 2022 Show ual Meeting & Board Meeting Business Meeting A Ladies Auxiliary Auction ward rade Show T echnical Sessions T Honor A TWW TWWA .tnwaterwe www tnwaterwellassoc (865) 7 For more i llassociation.org iation@gmail.com 61-4363 nformation: Having a good time at The Utility Expo. Proud of Shields heavy equipment replacement windows. Great smiles. Always a large group for Atlas Copco. Brushinator duo showing the “world’s greatest boot brush”.
17 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® What AI is and What it is not by Britt Storkson Owner, P2FlowLLC There has been lots of news reporting of late about AI (Artificial Intelligence) related to computer systems. So what is AI? AI is the process of using feedback from various sources to alter the computer’s basic program in a way that mimics learning. AI can be a very powerful and useful tool to make the computer “adapt” to various conditions it encounters instead of rigidly adhering to one fixed protocol as it normally would. We use a form of AI in the water pump pressure controls we make. In one application, we track and save in memory the pressure patterns as the water pump operates, and determine what comprises normal and desirable operation in contrast to abnormal and undesirable operation, then alter the main program so it “chooses” normal and desirable operation without human intervention. The program reads the values stored in memory and uses them as a reference for future program execution. Carmakers often set up their engine management software to note what kind of driver the car has, then alter their program to satisfy this drivers’ demands. If the driver has a “lead foot”, the program can alter the engine management program to deliver greater engine power and acceleration . . . at the expense of greater fuel consumption, of course. The opposite can happen with the “careful” driver, with the result being better fuel mileage. So using the automobile example, one way to make this happen is to note the throttle position and note how long and how often the throttle is in a certain position. The computer could then develop “score” with a lower number representing “little old lady” operation and a higher number representing “street racer” mode, which the computer uses to modify the engine controls to accommodate the driver. With “drive by wire” in automobiles (as well as “fly by wire” in aircraft), there is no direct connection from the accelerator pedal and the engine throttle lever. The throttle position is converted into a voltage which is fed into the computer, and the computer decides how to position the throttle using small electric motors. I’ve never understood replacing the simple, inexpensive and ultra-reliable throttle cable with a spring return on cars apart from an effort to make things more complicated and costly, but that’s what we have right now. Sometimes as a cost-saving measure, the car computer makers store the AI parts of the memory in volatile memory which disappears when the power is shut off rather than use nonvolatile memory to remember everything when the power goes off and is “loaded” into the program when the power turns back on. The cost difference is literally pennies, and it explains why, after the battery is disconnected, computer-controlled cars can take several hours to “relearn” the AI functions before getting back to normal. We’ve covered what AI is. So let’s discuss what AI is not. First of all, AI is not some science fiction scenario that makes robots smart enough to take over the world. I’ve heard some really wild and totally unrealistic claims about AI that should be immediately discarded. The latest one I heard was someone claimed nefarious forces would be implanting a microchip in our brains to control our behaviors and reactions. For starters, our brains don’t operate like microchips nor are microchips compatible with brain functions. Despite much research, we really don’t know a lot about how our brains function. And there is no such thing as a “serial port” into our brains. Microchips are embedded into the skin of pets and used to identify them, but they function more like the RFID (radio frequency identification) tags you often see attached to high-cost items in a department store to discourage theft. While AI can be a very useful tool in many applications, it has its limitations just like everything else on planet earth. To make reliable and useful computer systems, we need to identify and respect those limitations, but not oversell their capabilities either. Britt Britt Storkson may be contacted via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com
18 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® In Memoriam Robert David DeAngelis (1956~2021) Robert David DeAngelis passed away at age 65 on November 26, 2021. He grew up and graduated high school in Seymour, Connecticut, then attended State College in Lydonville, Vermont. Robert worked as a geotechnical drill rig operator for Soiltesting, Inc., as well as other drilling contractors along the East Coast. He loved to ski, fish, and cook, spending half his life in Connecticut and New York, and the other half in Florida. His adventures took him to Europe traveling with family; and to South America sailing from Florida in his adult years. He also worked for a short time on Mel Fisher’s Treasure Hunting Ship. Robert is survived by his siblings Maria (Gary), James (Anne), David, Susan (Jeff), Phillip (Sheri), and Alecia, as well as many nieces, nephews, and friends. Kenneth Charles “Ken” Lynde (1936~2021) Kenneth Charles “Ken” Lynde, lifelong resident of Guilford, Vermont, passed away November 30, 2021. He attended a one-room school in West Guilford, graduated from Brattleboro Union High School with the Class of 1955, then went on to serve in the Vermont Army National Guard’s Brattleboro Armory. Ken established Lynde Well Drilling in 1984, in West Guilford, with his wife Patricia, son Gary, and daughter-in-law Nancy. He held many very important positions during his lifetime; employed at Northeast Well Drilling, worked at Maple Farms Dairy, Allen Oil Company, and Crosby Milling; as well as being a truck driver and manager for several companies; he also delivered the mail for several years. He enjoyed the outdoors, hunting, chopping firewood, and puttering around the house; also driving his “big rigs” in area parades, attending his high school reunions, and time shared with family. Ken is survived by daughters Cathy (Doug) and Cheryl (Tim); sons Steven (Wendy) and Gary (Nancy); 11 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; many nieces, nephews, and extended family. He was preceded in death by Patricia, five sisters, and three brothers. Lest we forget . . .
19 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource®
20 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® www.starironworks.com 257 Caroline Street Punxsutawney, PA 15767 800-927-0560 • 814-427-2555 Fax: 814-427-5164 SERVINGTHECONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Serving the Drilling Industry The “Idiots” Corner by “Billy Bob Smith” Know anyone with a personality that drives you crazy? Do you think you could be that person for someo more patient, while others can fly off the handle at a moment's notice. Why are personalities important? Well for starters, they determine a variety of life outcomes like: health So, Billy Bob, why did you decide to write about this subject this month? A variety of reasons. First of all Well, reread the above - we all have any number of different traits that determine our behavior. Let me share a few interactions with folks last month and see if you can define their general personaliti “For the adult, all the world is a stage and the personality is the mask one wears to play the assigned r Okay, here are a few of my recent personality experiences: 3 I was driving down a country road with no traffic and no speed limit signs, and right on my tail was a guy His response was, “I have to feed the cows or they will react very poorly.” You have got to be kidding! 3 It was the week after New Year's Day and I was in a restaurant having lunch when this guy walks up to me and says, “I saw y week and was a thousand miles from here, so sorry, you are mistaken.” Want more? I can give you dozens that demonstrate how personalities determine behavior, but I’ll save you some time and just 3 I was walking into a grocery store and this woman was right behind me, so I held the door open for her and she said, “You don’ you are a female, but because I am a gentleman. Have a nice day.” She gave me the most hateful look I have ever seen, then j So are these examples of the larger picture of a person’s personality, or are these just random actions? You decide. Billy Bob Contact him via e-mail to m
21 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® www.starironworks.com 257 Caroline Street Punxsutawney, PA 15767 800-927-0560 • 814-427-2555 Fax: 814-427-5164 SERVING THE WATER WELL INDUSTRY Serving the Drilling Industry one else? We all have a unique personality, which is nothing more than a combination of various traits and emotions. Some of us are h, relationships, finances, career success or a lack of it, and so much more. , this month we have Valentine’s Day and Presidents Day, and these will be celebrated very differently by a great many people. Why? ies based on these simple examples. First, is one of my favorite quotes on this topic: role.” ~Sam Keen y driving a tractor and attempting to run me off the road. Really . . . a tractor. So I yelled out the window at him, “What’s your rush?” ou in here New Year's eve with my wife - we need to step outside. What’s going on?” My response, “I was out of town for the holiday give you one more: ’t have to hold that door open for me because I am a woman.” My response was, “Ma’am, I didn’t hold that door open for you because ust walked away. michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com
22 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Nitrate Coated Premium Liners 5x6, 5x8, & 5x10 Gardner Denver 5-1/2x8 & 5-1/2x10 Gardner Denver 7-1/2x8 & 7-1/2x10 Gardner Denver Rods Heat-Treated & Chromed 5x6, 5x8, & 5-1/2x8 Gardner Denver 5x10 & 5-1/2x10 Gardner Denver 7-1/2x8 & 7-1/2x10 Gardner Denver New Pumps In Stock Gardner Denver 4x5 TEE Triplex. Gardner Denver 5-1/2x5 TEE Triplex Gardner Denver 4x5 or 4-1/2x5 Duplex Gardner Denver 5x6 Duplex Gardner Denver 5x6 Air Drive Duplex Gardner Denver 5x8 Duplex Gardner Denver 5-1/2x8 Duplex Gardner Denver 7-1/2x8 Duplex Gardner Denver 7-1/2x10 Duplex Gardner Denver 5-1/2x5 THE Triplex Gardner Denver 5x8 PAH Triplex Call for Prices. We Have a Variety of Brands of Mud Pump Parts and Power Units in Stock. Special or Obsolete Parts Made to Order. Cash for Surplus Mud Pumps. Rebuilt Mud Pumps 4-1/2x6 Gaso Duplex 4-1/2x6 Oilwell Duplex Gardner Denver 4-1/2x8 PA-8 Triplex Gardner Denver 5x6 Duplex Gardner Denver 5x10 Duplex Gaso 5x10 Duplex OVER 300 PUMPS IN STOCK Armstrong Machine Co. Inc. Pocahontas, IA 50574 USA 712-335-4131 ~ 24 Hours 7 Days a Week • Fax: 712-335-4565 800-831-4527 USA & Canada (8AM to 4PM Monday-Friday) armstrongmachine.com amci@armstrongmachine.com Hydraulic Grout Pumps 5”, 6”, & 7-1/2” To Dump or Not To Dump ~ Indonesia’s Decision Compiled by the Editorial Staff of WorldWide Drilling Resource® Indonesia, the world’s largest nickel producer, as well as a key source of cobalt and copper, is expecting investment in nickel processing to double to $35 billion by 2033. Nickel demand is expected to increase six-fold by 2030, driven predominantly by the demand for electric vehicle (EV) batteries which rely on this vital ingredient, as well as cobalt and copper. Earlier this year, Tesla, whose CEO Elon Musk promised a “giant contract” to any company able to source nickel “efficiently and in an environmentally-sensitive way,” submitted an investment proposal to the Indonesian government to build a facility for an energy storage system and lithium-ion battery plant. The next day, Indonesia announced any of the battery-grade intermediate projects under construction would not be permitted to dump their waste into the ocean. Existing mines are using the disposal method known as deep sea tailings placement. Tailings are the sludge remaining once the mineral is extracted from the ore. They contain processing chemicals and naturally occurring elements such as arsenic, which becomes toxic when exposed to air or water. The government did not officially ban the method, but by not issuing new permits, it could delay planned projects and complicate efforts to dispose of waste. A lengthy wait for a disposal permit means land tailings eventually become the only option. Changing to tailings disposal on land would require a major plant rework. Angela Durrant, a nickel costs researcher at Wood Mackenzie said, “It would cost a fortune to switch from one established form of tailings disposal to another method.” If Indonesia follows through with its promise to move away from ocean dumping, two major projects, one an expansion of the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park and the other a new processing facility on Obi Island, will need to devise alternative methods of safe on-land storage. Tesla is not the only company with customers demanding sustainable products. Pressure is mounting from consumers and investors to ensure mineral sourcing for EV batteries and other low-carbon technologies is as responsible as possible. Experts cautioned environmentally-conscious investors about directly investing. Andrew Miller, product director at EV battery metals consultancy firm Benchmark Intelligence Minerals said, “There’s potential in Indonesia, but there’s also risk involved if they don’t have the right policies.” ENV
23 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® World’s Fastest Tunnel Boring Machine ~ Robbins Crossover XRE Adapted from Information by Robbins Company The recent breakthrough of a Robbins Crossover XRE tunnel boring machine (TBM) was cause for much celebration. A team of personnel from Kolin Construction, Turkish State Railways (TCDD), and Robbins field service gathered to watch the breakthrough of the world’s fastest TBM over 43 feet in diameter. Launched in March 2021, the machine bored approximately two miles on the Esme-Salihli Railway Tunnel as part of the Ankara-İzmir High Speed Railway Project for TCDD. The XRE TBM set world records three times over, beating its own records over the summer, including a best day of 106 feet, a best week of 584.6 feet, and a best month of 2368 feet. “When the strength, force, and torque generated by our Crossover TBM are taken into account, we consider it to be a beast. It has performed extremely well in this tunnel,” said Onur Kansu, TBM Manager for project contractor Kolin Construction. He added “We are proud we have accomplished such high performance.” The machine began its bore in altered gneiss, then passed through a geological matrix of gneiss, sandstone, claystone, mudstone, quartz, and silt. By the end of the bore, the machine was excavating in mainly mudstone. Core drillings were taken about every 650 feet prior to boring so the crew felt confident with the geology. This was one of several factors which contributed to record rates. “A proper geological analysis, choosing the right TBM, a professional crew, and a contractor who believes that they can break records are all key,” said Kansu. “Scheduled maintenance periods, an expert team, availability of sufficient spare parts, and good logistics also made it possible for us to reach our targeted advance rates.” The project was particularly important for the Turkish tunnelling industry, showing what is possible at larger TBM diameters. “We have disproved the idea that it is difficult to reach high advance rates while boring in EPB [Earth Pressure Balance] mode with large-diameter TBMs. Crossover TBMs enable us to find quick solutions in changing ground, so we believe they will be the preference for future projects,” added Kansu. With tunnel excavation finished, work will continue on the 316-mile line to connect Polatlı in Ankara Province to İzmir, the third most populous city in Turkey. Once complete, the Ankara-İzmir High Speed Railway will be the longest rail line in the country, conveying passengers at top speeds of 160 miles per hour on a railway journey of about 3½ hours. Editor’s Note: In between our print issues, the WWDR Team prepares an electronic newsletter called E-News Flash by WorldWide Drilling Resource®. This newsletter is filled with articles not included in our print issue. Based on readership, this was the most popular article of the month. Get in on the action and subscribe today at: www.worldwidedrillingresource.com Personnel from Kolin Construction and Robbins celebrated the breakthrough of a Crossover XRE TBM after it completed Turkey’s Esme-Salihli Railway Tunnel. C&G
24 FEBRUARY 2022 WorldWide Drilling Resource® A New Development for Blasthole Quality Adapted from Information by Aquirian Specialist mining services provider Aquirian Limited announced its subsidiary TBS Mining Solutions recently entered a binding technology Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MACAMining; with the parties agreeing to work collaboratively for development and commercialization of the Collar Keeper® System. The MoU represents an important milestone in TBS’s strategy to create and market its newest blasthole innovation. MACA employs over 3000 people and specializes in contract mining/crushing/civil construction/infrastructure maintenance, as well as mineral processing solutions. Support and access to equipment in an operating environment provided by MACA is a crucial step in development, prototyping, and testing of the Collar Keeper System. The existing Collar Keeper is a blasthole protection product developed by TBS in 2018. It was designed to address the problem of destabilized blasthole cuttings and collars which result in significant costs for global mining operations. The invention was intended to be a more precise solution for stabilizing blasthole cuttings, collars, and the preconditioned column after drilling. The product is a reusable flexible sheet rolled tight and inserted into the hole. It then expands to provide support. The process is similar to rolling a poster or map and placing it into a tube. The Collar Keeper System is an integrated unit which adds a mechanized guide component. The guide tube is a retrofit drill rig-adaptable apparatus to protect drill holes from collapse or fallback throughout the entire drilling process. TBS intends to accomplish several goals with the system, including: k Maintaining full blasthole depth and quality throughout the drilling and explosives charging process. k Reducing manual handling of the Collar Keeper. k Making it possible for the drill operator to control the entire system from inside the cab, reducing interaction with the physical mine environment. k Enabling full autonomous use of track rigs in conditions where collar piping is traditionally used. The new technology will initially be focused on mines in Western Australia operating with smaller diameter holes in challenging ground conditions. Current development will involve about 200 operating drill rigs in the region. The MoU is a significant step toward commercialization of the Collar Keeper System. TBS will be responsible for all design, engineering, testing, and management of the system from development to commercialization. MACA will provide operational and site support to TBS for assessing and refining the product throughout the process. In return, MACA will receive Foundation Customer status for three years from the date of the system’s commercialization. In the future, TBS aims for further mechanization and automation of the Collar Keeper System to target small track rigs and large platform rigs throughout the world. EXB eranhenderson@gmail.com New & Used Tricones PDCs Drag & Claw Bits Drill Collars Bit Tipping Subs & Stabilizers HDD Bits & Reamers DTH Hammer & Bits Custom Fabrication Junk Mills / Fishing Tools Rod Henderson 661-201-6259 Eran Henderson 661-330-0790