46 MAY 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® With the New WifiVu Module, you can view the live feed from your downhole camera on iOS or Android devices. Compatible with most downhole camera systems. View your Well-Vu Camera Live Feed Video on Any Mobile Device or Tablet in Real Time with WifiVu! ~ View ~ Record ~ Take Still Shots of Video to Text or E-mail ~ Communicate with Office and Clients Instantly! Simple to use - Just Download the App Connect to the WifiVu wifi signal, and you are set! For more information call Ray at 406-853-7867 or visit wellvu.com $695 Register Today! 2021 NDA Convention September 28-29 Embassy Suites by Hilton CharlotteConcord Golf Resort & Spa, North Carolina For more information, call 877-632-4748 or visit nda4u.com jGolf Outing jPresident’s Dinner jAwards & Entertainment jExhibits Adapted from Information by the Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) The Mine Safety & Health Administration urges all mine operators and contractors to be aware of hazards associated with damaged or defective welds on aerial lifts. Follow these best practices to prevent mechanical failure of welded connections: nOnly qualified welders should perform all welding. nDetermine the service/fatigue life of mechanical systems or parts by consulting with the manufacturer. nInspect welds following installation and repairs, and periodically during service life. nTrain users in the proper operation of lifts - including not exceeding their design capacity. n Routinely examine metal components for signs of weakness, corrosion, fatigue cracks, bends, buckling, deflection, missing connectors, and other metal parts. nUse nondestructive test methods to detect cracks that may be indistinguishable to the eye. nTake cracked mechanical components out of service immediately. Small cracks can quickly grow and lead to catastrophic fracture. MSHA Safety Tips Electro-Hydraulic Lifts MIN