13 OCTOBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Sandvik Adds Reverse Circulation Sampling Capability to Leopard™ DI650i Drill Rig Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions introduced a new reverse circulation (RC) sampling option for its Leopard DI650i down-the-hole (DTH) drill rig. The RC drilling system is fully integrated into the rig platform maximizing drill rig utilization while increasing productivity. The possibility to drill inclined holes with a boom-type drill rig such as the Leopard DI650i provides an easy and accurate ore body identification method and enables the use of RC face sampling for grade control in opencast mines. This drilling system is equipped with an industry-proven Metzke RC sampling unit optimally integrated onto the rig. The drill pipe setup is either 4-inch or 4½-inch RC pipes. If RC drilling is not needed, a quick and easy reconfiguration to perform the normal DTH drilling production cycle is a significant benefit of the Leopard DI650i. For more information, click on this box in our online issue. Breaking News WHO’S IN THE NEWS Additional announcements from TGWA and Deep Foundations Institute can be found by clicking this box in our online issue at: worldwidedrillingresource.com Charlie Waller received the President’s Award from the Texas Ground Water Association (TGWA) in recognition of past and present service to promote and support TGWA and the Texas water well industry. Waller was presented the award onAugust 3, 2021, at the TGWA annual convention held in San Marcos, Texas.