6 OCTOBER 2021 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Proudly Made in the United States of America - delivered WorldWide! WorldWide Drilling Resource WorldWide Drilling Resource® The complete magazine for the drilling industry worldwide, owned by drilling industry associates dedicated to bringing the most up-to-date technology and information to subscribers. Covering construction-geotechnical, directional, environmental, explorationblasthole, shallow gas & oil, geothermal, mining, water well, irrigation, wastewater; from bits, to pumps, to rigs, to tanks, through wire, and more - whatever it takes to get the drilling job completed! Managing Publisher/CEO/President: Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones Vice President: Troy Cunningham Chief Marketing Officer: Ed Moranski Office Administrator: Michele Stevens Editor: Bonnie Love Associate Editor: Amy White Public Relations Professional: Sheryl Day Public Relations Professional: Jan Allen Representative: Marie Cunningham Editorial Contributors for this month: Mark Battersby Tim Connor Thomas Kwader Ron Peterson Tim Rasmussen “Billy Bob Smith” Britt Storkson Robert Evans Wilson, Jr. Hyd/Eng Consultant: Thomas Kwader, Ph.D.,P.G. Consultant: Mary Ann Pelletier *Editorial contributions & advertisements include statements of fact and opinions that are the sole responsibility of the author and/or companies and do not necessarily imply any opinion of the owners, management, or staff of WorldWide Drilling Resource®. Images may have been altered for clarity. Complete advertising information may be found at: www.worldwidedrillingresource.com or by calling 850-547-0102. WorldWide Drilling Resource® makes every effort not to place advertisements for “like” products on the same page in our publication; this may occur however, due to size and space within the publication. We regret any inconvenience this may cause our advertisers. WorldWide Drilling Resource® is published monthly by: WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc., a Florida Corporation, independently owned and operated. PO Box 660 (3089 Northride Lane) Bonifay FL 32425-0660. Telephone: 850-547-0102 Fax: 850-547-0329 E-mail: wwdr@worldwidedrillingresource.com Website: www.worldwidedrillingresource.com Copyright 2021, WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. Seen by countless WorldWide. Publication Agreement No. 40892520. Back issues may be requested. Cost per issue $10.00 USD. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the strict written consent of the publishers. Advertising rates furnished upon request. Editorial contributions are welcome subject to editorial review.* WorldWide Drilling Resource® reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. We Recycle Standing with our Drilling Industry Yesterday ~ Today ~ Tomorrow See you on the trail . . . NEXT UP - NDA in North Carolina and The Utility Expo in Louisville, KY. With Pen - Computer in hand . . . Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones, 850-547-0102 ronnie@worldwidedrillingresource.com BOY, have we got great news for you this month! Joint Ventures give more avenues of success to all those who take advantage of what is offered. We have not taken lightly to all we can bring to our industries, who are directly affected by drilling. No matter what you build, how you build it, it all started with drilling. By combining mailing WWDR and DBGD it’s a BIG win! So beginning with this October issue of our widely respected WorldWide Drilling Resource® magazine, we’ve made some improvements. The main body of the magazine now becomes “THE MAGAZINE.” It will continue to include those most informative articles bringing new technology, as well as valuable history to your doorstep; new and exciting industry events; and beautiful display advertisements which allow you to view in PRINT, as well as ONLINE, what manufacturers and distributors have to offer before you buy and easily contact them for more information. The BONUS IS - there is MORE ROOM for it. Classified advertisements will be found in Doc’s Buyers’ Guide for Drillers™. It has a comfy feel of great newsprint we are all so very fond of - but nowadays there is no black ink left on your hands. That’s a plus in and of itself! So, when you take advantage of PRINT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING instead of looking at something online in listings, and then looking at another listing, never being able to find the original thing you really were interested in again, you actually appreciate the printed word. Just circle what you are interested in, continue looking and possibly finding something else you like, circle it, then when you are finished, you can actually call on the one(s) that interest you most. BOTH publications will continue in the one poly bag container to protect your copy from the harsh traveling it has to do to reach you. PLUS, you may just find an additional piece or two included which have bonus discounts, or new and interesting items breaking into the market. Everyone knows postage has continued to increase over the years. We have done our best to hold rates and bear the cost of mailing on our own. Now comes a time when we need help from you to bring these fine publications to you. We only ask for those in the United States to pay $1.00 per month; Canada and Foreign $1.67 USD per month billed annually beginning with our January issues, for the combined poly bag mailing. That means $12.00 USA; $20.00 Canada and Foreign USD will be the 12-month postal mailing fee. There is no charge for printing despite the fact many paper manufacturers have raised their rates five (5) times this year alone and will continue to raise their rates. Some papermills have closed or shifted their focus from “paper” to cardboard products, etc. Your understanding and help is greatly appreciated. World G lo p ExE r te WaW le ohtsalB alB lacinhch etoe non io tcurtsnoC D D B B s 50 Whe 8 G id D ’ Gu -388-00300 re deals are made ev ™ ery day.™ D al na oi no tcer ce i e Di all tne t mno m r no iv r Enn noit ra il O & O s & Gasa al m l re m thh o Geo ng ini i Mi Equipm Classified Ad ent for all types s Not Just For u of : Drilling ~ Oil & Gas k worldwide 8 The drillingresou 50-547-0102 only magazin rce.com e Geo k oundatio SUBSCRIBE k NOW ~Covering of the Drilling~ BUY - SELL - TRADE Bringing Wetlands to the Desert Page 12 Heavily Burdened Piles Set Record Page 8 Arizona Helium Project - Page 28,36 Mini Piling Rigs Page 34 Dry Steam Geothermal Page 14 Featured Articles for October - All About Drilling